
Xorro Q-Bank is here…

After many months of development, Xorro has launched their Q-Bank service. Now, any Xorro-Q user can manage all questions ever created for activities in Q, share these with other users (either within the Institution or globally), and import questions from other users.  Tag and categorise questions so you and others will find them instantly next time; organise

Xorro Q-Bank is here… Read More »

Xorro-Q with Pictures! 

Users of the web-based Xorro-Q audience response solution can now add images into their activities. All interaction types now support images. Audience participants receive the images on their browser devices (cellphones, tablets, i-Pads, laptops etc) and can respond to questions directly. All audience responses can be displayed in real-time or downloaded for later analysis.

Xorro-Q with Pictures!  Read More »

Tips and Tricks: Typing any script or characters into Workbook

A very frequent frustration from Languages teachers, revolves around the desire to be able to type directly onto the page utilising whatever character set is appropriate to that language.

Workbook’s canvas supports any Unicode character sets. Provided that your Language and Keyboard settings are correctly implemented in Windows, you can type any script directly onto the Workbook canvas.

Tips and Tricks: Typing any script or characters into Workbook Read More »