On behalf of Manzana we would like to congratulate Lysandra Stuart, her Sir Keith Park colleagues, and students for their recent win at the MÄ ori Language Awards. With the theme of this years awards being ‘Te reo it Hapori’ – Language in the community, SKP was voted first equal with NgÄ Iwi in the schools category.
The development and adoption of te reo at SKP has been more than just an exercise in ‘meeting the standards’, but a chance to stand tall as trailbalzers for te reo development within NZ schools. At the beginning of 2009, SKP set about changing school policy by initiating the teaching of te reo as a priority. By creating a three year plan, the school aimed to regenerate te reo both within the school and the community.
The learning and adoption of not just the language but MÄ ori heritage has been extended outside of the classroom, with home visits designed to encourage whÄ nau to register with their iwi. Community event days, PD, and community art projects – recently displayed at Auckland Airport – are also a few ways in which SKP encouraged community use of te reo.
Proud 2Touch user, Lysandra has been at the forefront of developing interactive te reo resources for use on interactive whiteboards and technology in the classroom. Having previous experience overseas, teaching on IWBs, Lysnadra was quick to adopt the 2Touch solution and has regularly been part of the 2Touch whÄ nau at conferences.
Kei te Pai, Sir Keith!